Healthy comparative hali

Healthy comparative hali

What is the comparative form of healthy?

Healthy → healthier -> healthiest.

What is the superlative degree of healthy?

Comparative degree of health is healthier. Superlative degree of healthy is healthiest.

What is the superlative form of the adjective below healthy most healthy healthier healthiest?

List of Comparatives and Superlatives


What is the comparative and superlative for good?

Some common irregular adjectives are good, better, best and bad, worse, worst. Some have more than one option: little can become littler or less (comparative), and littlest or least (superlative). Many, some, or much become more in the comparative and most in the superlative.

What is the synonym of healthy?

Some common synonyms of healthy are hale, robust, sound, well, and wholesome. While all these words mean "enjoying or indicative of good health," healthy implies full strength and vigor as well as freedom from signs of disease.

How do you say healthy in British?

0:020:10How to pronounce HEALTHY in British English – YouTubeYouTube

What is the sentence of healthy?

Healthy sentence example. She appeared healthy , and her blue eyes were bright. She looked as healthy as Katie didn't feel. She was happy and healthy , and it showed.